Increasing the impact of agri-food charities
To create opportunities to increase knowledge and expertise in the agri-food sector through collaboration and innovation via a network of charities and other funders.
Our Background
There are about 150 charities supporting the agri-food industry. In February 2007 a seminar was held to address the concern expressed by some charities that their activities were becoming less successful in providing effective support for the industry. The seminar strongly supported a formal coordinating role & AFCP was established in 2008.
What are we trying to do?
AFCP’s overall aim is to promote education and research in agriculture and food production by supporting charities, that are working in the discipline, to make better use of their funds. Charities that fund research or education are not always as well informed of the wide range of initiatives that exist to support agriculture & food production as they could be. For example there are Government schemes, research council programmes and training courses to which charities may contribute or collaborate with. AFCP has direct links with all of these organisational groups and through discussions with them identifies appropriate areas where charities may usefully contribute or collaborate. Hence AFCP believes that charities can achieve greater effectiveness by appropriate collaborations, either with other charities or other organisations e.g schools, colleges, research organisations.
Who has helped us?
Encouragement and support has been received from a wide range of different organisations for which we are very grateful. In particular we acknowledge the financial support of NFU Mutual to establish AFCP, of AHDB to support the production of the website, of BBSRC to facilitate the links with research and educational programmes and HSBC who helped to further develop our support for the charities. In addition we acknowledge generous support from the Institution of Agricultural Engineers for providing facilities and resources.
With thanks to our supporters
Mission and Vision Statements and Further Information and Activities
See AFCP Mission and Vision Statement
A summary of AFCP activities
You might like to know
AFCP was formally registered as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee in February 2008 and became a registered charity no.1162177 in June 2015. The Board and its Directors and advisers represent a range of charities and organisations from across the UK.
The Board members and officers are:
Prof. Graham Jellis - Chairman
Prof. Stuart Reid
Ms Alex Payne
Mr Gordon Bennett
Dr. Jim Stevens
Rev Geoff Dodgson
Mr Jim Orson
Prof. Bob Bansback
Mr Ian Munnery
Mrs Michaela Canham - Company Secretary
Mrs Kathryn Green - Charities Coordination Director
Lord Curry of Kirkharle - AFCP Patron
The Board meets every three months with the next meeting set for early 2024.
A copy of the AFCP Memorandum and Articles of Association are available.
Accounts and Annual Report for year to 31st March 2023
Further information on AFCP, its objectives, operations and how it is funded is available in AFCP leaflet.