Our objectives
The principal objective of the Frank Parkinson Agricultural Trust is to support the improvement and welfare of British Agriculture for the Public Benefit.
The Trustees have developed a progressive strategy, informed by strategic research and reports addressing global issues.
This strategy is centred on enhancing the productivity of British Agriculture to meet the challenges of a growing world population and increased competition for resources. This must be achieved in partnership with the wider population and local communities.
The Trustees are keen to encourage applications for financial support with projects and programmes that identify and spread best business and technological practice for the benefit of British Agriculture.
However, grants will only be made where clear benefits are quantified, together with details of how these will be communicated and applied to the industry as a whole.
The key element is 'leadership' - as the Trustees wish to see robust outcomes translated into widespread practical action.
How to find out more
For comprehensive information on the Trust, its activities and how you can apply for grants, please email the Secretary Mike Steele by clicking on the email link in the box on the left.
Contact name:
Mike Steele