What's been achieved

AFCP is a facilitator . . . primarily through the medium of this website but also through the organisation and attendance at meetings. But we’re frequently unaware of any successful funding and collaboration we’ve facilitated, after all, it’s not our role to get involved in any detailed discussions or negotiations about how grants should be awarded.

To help people understand more about the role and activities of AFCP’s it is essential that we provide examples of successful achievements, some of which are presented here.

Funding from Felix Thornley Cobbold Trust obtained for the RASE Report "Current status of soil & water management in England"

Two studentships supported by charities in the BBSRC "Crop Improvement Research Club" to provide additional facilities to disseminate their findings

An industrial BBSRC CASE studentship secured with a major charity

Group of regionally based charities have cooperated to facilitate collaborations by

  • organising one meeting a year at the same time

  • developing a common application form

Charities have collaborated effectively to fund jointly studentship projects

Facilitated a major educational programme with school children supported by a charity 

Seven Annual Forums have been held providing opportunities for charity representatives to meet and discuss strategic issues relevant to the industry with experts in the area.

Established a Forum for  students, funded by charities, to present and exchange ideas about their projects.

Funding secured from Royal Bath & West for project on animal transportation.

Website averaging 11 searches/day with 116 organisations listed.